What are Trans Studio Bandung's rides? Trans Studio Bandung is one of the largest indoor playground ever owned by Indonesia. This arena is one of the subsidiaries of Trans Corp who previously has been managing similar arena in the area of Makassar.
Investments that are poured to make this arena of play complex is also not half-hearted. Approximately 2 trillion investment is planted in an area of 10 ha so as to create a complex of indoor rides that can be enjoyed today.
Enjoying the Playground
When the people closest you invite to visit this modern tourist complex is your children, the trans studio bandung has set up various playing arena that is suitable for various age. Not only small children, but teenagers and even adults will not look childish when you enjoy the arena provided on this playground.
Starting from the race arena like Dunlop Trans Car Racing or Yamaha Racing Coaster will invite you into the world of races complete with challenging tracks. Or if you want to improve adrenaline, teenagers will feel challenged to try Galaxy Vertigo and Giant Swing is designed very interesting. In total there are 20 places to play / rides are provided.
If you are confused about what type of game you will try, just select the game according to the theme. Some of the themes offered by this one tourist arena are as follows.
Studio Central
This theme is designed by adopting the atmosphere and hollywod themes. Whether the road area or the design of the buildings on this theme. The games arena included in this theme are:
For the a-e game arena is a game vehicle that requires a minimum height requirement. For e - h can be used by all age, without any requirement of height. As for facilities i can only be used for children ages up to age 7 years.
A. Browse
The main rides are a kind of boat that will take you up and down the track with no water underneath. The most stressful is that this track will reach the highest peak, about 10 meters and will be thrown down at a speed of 80 km / hour. Below you will be greeted with bursts of water. So be ready to get wet in this arena.
B. Kong Climb
Usually this arena is more filled by boys, because the game is a rock-climbing like Kingkong.
C. Skypirates Zeppelin
This can be said to be the safest arena. Because you will be invited to ride a hot air balloon that surrounds the location of trans studio bandung rides.
D. Amphitheater
Here you will enjoy theater performances with the players both from local and international. Do not worry about the facilities. Of the best in class.
E. Magic Corner
Thema is inspired by everything smelling of magic or imagination. So get ready to feel the effects of hallucinations here. The game arenas that fall within this theme are as follows.
A. Special effect action,
B. The liliput island,
C. Dragon raiders,
D. The gigantic, and
E. Captain Black Heart's Pirate Ship.
Almost all arena of this game is for small children. Except for facilities c and d only for teens and adults.
When you have finished enjoying the various arena play above, you also should not miss the shopping that is provided by the trans studio bandung for their fans shopping. A wide range of products ranging from clothing to merchandise both locally and internationally produced are waiting for you to choose from.
The price offered from the products provided can also be said not much different from the price outside of this indoor play complex. Noted there are several stores are provided in the main vehicle that is 2 Store in Studio Central which provides a variety of merchants and snacks, 1 Store in the arena of Lost City and 1 Store in Magic Corner is only for merchandise.
For other products, you can visit the Trans Studio Mall (TSM) located right in the main complex of this vehicle complex. Can be said goods provided in this shopping center is enough to represent all goods or products sold in the city of Bandung. Prices are priced in each outlet is also competing and affordable pockets of people of Indonesia.
The position of food outlets as well as temporary resting place is also quite easy to reach and not too far with the existing rides. Some culinary spots and breaks that you can visit include the following.
1. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf,
2. Baskin Robbins,
3. Corvette Diner,
4. Studio Kuring,
5. Studio Noodle,
6. Studio Steak.
Not to mention if you want to visit other tourist attractions in Bandung area. Relax, you do not need to be confused. In the same complex with one tourist area there is a comfortable hotel and certainly affordable but still with luxurious facilities. The two hotels you can choose are as follows.
1. 6-star hotel, The Trans Luxury Hotel
2. A 3 star hotel, Ibis Hotel Bandung
That amount of money will not feel anything when you can enjoy every one in Trans Studio Bandung. For entry requirements, you simply have a Mega cash card that serves as a transaction tool on all Trans Studio Theme Park rides.
Mega cash card is actually an ordinary card but applies as cash with balance that can be withdrawn directly from ATM Mega Bank machine in accordance with the nominal amount provided by the bank.
To use it, this card must first diisin with a certain amount to make transactions in the theme park area Trans Studio Bandung. That way, this card should be like a means of payment or money that is not only valid in this amusement park, but also in other merchants that have cooperation with the bank Mega.
The function of this card is as a prepaid card. To fill the balance of Mega cash itself can be done in several places, such as branches of Bank Mega, ATM Bank Mega, and also in the environment Trans Studio Bandung itself.
Investments that are poured to make this arena of play complex is also not half-hearted. Approximately 2 trillion investment is planted in an area of 10 ha so as to create a complex of indoor rides that can be enjoyed today.

Trans Studio Bandung
Not only the playground, the variety of rides that exist in this playground, can be an alternative choice to spend time with your closest people. Or if you are domiciled outside bandung, this play complex is one of the modern attractions that should not be missed when you visit there. There are many things you can get when visiting this indoor playground, among others :Enjoying the Playground
When the people closest you invite to visit this modern tourist complex is your children, the trans studio bandung has set up various playing arena that is suitable for various age. Not only small children, but teenagers and even adults will not look childish when you enjoy the arena provided on this playground.
Starting from the race arena like Dunlop Trans Car Racing or Yamaha Racing Coaster will invite you into the world of races complete with challenging tracks. Or if you want to improve adrenaline, teenagers will feel challenged to try Galaxy Vertigo and Giant Swing is designed very interesting. In total there are 20 places to play / rides are provided.
If you are confused about what type of game you will try, just select the game according to the theme. Some of the themes offered by this one tourist arena are as follows.
Studio Central
This theme is designed by adopting the atmosphere and hollywod themes. Whether the road area or the design of the buildings on this theme. The games arena included in this theme are:
- Trans city theater,
- Yamaha racing coaster,
- Giant swing,
- Marvel superheroes the ride 4D,
- Transcar racing,
- The bolang,
- Trans broadcast museum,
- Science center, and
- World of children (kiddy's land).
For the a-e game arena is a game vehicle that requires a minimum height requirement. For e - h can be used by all age, without any requirement of height. As for facilities i can only be used for children ages up to age 7 years.
The Lost City
You could say this arena inspired by a challenge. So you will be invited along the lost city, jungle, rivers with strong waves are some of the sights you can find in this theme. Some of the arena games that include this theme are as follows.A. Browse
The main rides are a kind of boat that will take you up and down the track with no water underneath. The most stressful is that this track will reach the highest peak, about 10 meters and will be thrown down at a speed of 80 km / hour. Below you will be greeted with bursts of water. So be ready to get wet in this arena.
B. Kong Climb
Usually this arena is more filled by boys, because the game is a rock-climbing like Kingkong.
C. Skypirates Zeppelin
This can be said to be the safest arena. Because you will be invited to ride a hot air balloon that surrounds the location of trans studio bandung rides.
D. Amphitheater
Here you will enjoy theater performances with the players both from local and international. Do not worry about the facilities. Of the best in class.
E. Magic Corner
Thema is inspired by everything smelling of magic or imagination. So get ready to feel the effects of hallucinations here. The game arenas that fall within this theme are as follows.
A. Special effect action,
B. The liliput island,
C. Dragon raiders,
D. The gigantic, and
E. Captain Black Heart's Pirate Ship.
Almost all arena of this game is for small children. Except for facilities c and d only for teens and adults.
Enjoyed the Knowledge Rides
Not just a place to play, this modern tourist complex also provides a vehicle to be able to improve the knowledge of children or even parents about history such as the Broadcast Museum and Science Center. For teenagers who are merciful, enjoying the splendor of Trans City Theater or Amphitheater with their partner will be an unforgettable moment.
Enjoy the Shopping Grocery
When you have finished enjoying the various arena play above, you also should not miss the shopping that is provided by the trans studio bandung for their fans shopping. A wide range of products ranging from clothing to merchandise both locally and internationally produced are waiting for you to choose from.The price offered from the products provided can also be said not much different from the price outside of this indoor play complex. Noted there are several stores are provided in the main vehicle that is 2 Store in Studio Central which provides a variety of merchants and snacks, 1 Store in the arena of Lost City and 1 Store in Magic Corner is only for merchandise.
For other products, you can visit the Trans Studio Mall (TSM) located right in the main complex of this vehicle complex. Can be said goods provided in this shopping center is enough to represent all goods or products sold in the city of Bandung. Prices are priced in each outlet is also competing and affordable pockets of people of Indonesia.
Enjoy Culinary Tour
After enjoying the various rides of play and shopping, of course, tired and fatigue will come to you even though comparable to the fun you've got, not to worry. Still in this play complex, there are many outlets or stores that sell food to add to your energy.The position of food outlets as well as temporary resting place is also quite easy to reach and not too far with the existing rides. Some culinary spots and breaks that you can visit include the following.
1. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf,
2. Baskin Robbins,
3. Corvette Diner,
4. Studio Kuring,
5. Studio Noodle,
6. Studio Steak.
Enjoying Comfortable and Luxurious Accommodation
For those of you visitors from out of town, definitely a visit for a day in Bandung will not be enough. If you visit and have enjoyed various trans studio ride bandung band it took all day to try all his ware.Not to mention if you want to visit other tourist attractions in Bandung area. Relax, you do not need to be confused. In the same complex with one tourist area there is a comfortable hotel and certainly affordable but still with luxurious facilities. The two hotels you can choose are as follows.
1. 6-star hotel, The Trans Luxury Hotel
2. A 3 star hotel, Ibis Hotel Bandung
Entrance Ticket Trans Studio Bandung
Many people say, Trans Studio Bandung is one of the very populist amusement park. This is because the cost of admission is affordable by all circles. To be able to enjoy all the rides there, visitors simply pay for $ 15, - on the workday Monday to Friday, while on Saturday and Sunday Entrance Ticket Trans Studio Bandung $ 20.That amount of money will not feel anything when you can enjoy every one in Trans Studio Bandung. For entry requirements, you simply have a Mega cash card that serves as a transaction tool on all Trans Studio Theme Park rides.
Mega cash card is actually an ordinary card but applies as cash with balance that can be withdrawn directly from ATM Mega Bank machine in accordance with the nominal amount provided by the bank.
To use it, this card must first diisin with a certain amount to make transactions in the theme park area Trans Studio Bandung. That way, this card should be like a means of payment or money that is not only valid in this amusement park, but also in other merchants that have cooperation with the bank Mega.
The function of this card is as a prepaid card. To fill the balance of Mega cash itself can be done in several places, such as branches of Bank Mega, ATM Bank Mega, and also in the environment Trans Studio Bandung itself.