You first came to Bandung City? Of course a tourist map of Bandung will be very useful to guide your trip. Information tourist attractions in Bandung can be easily obtained from the internet. Google Map service can be an option to browse the streets of Bandung. If you are interested, in the red light area in Bandung, the hawkers there are peddling tourist maps of Bandung.
Various places can be visited if you memorized the route to the place. With a tourist map, hopefully you will not get lost in this city. Although there is already a tourist map, but you are still dazed and difficult to reach the destination, do not hesitate to ask people who met on the street. This is the last way to avoid getting lost. The people of Bandung are notoriously friendly. They will gladly show you the way you mean.
Sundanese tart specials equipped with sambel hejo or impromptu sauce has its own taste that will make you addicted. If you want to eat this dish, you can immediately slide to Jalan Soekarno Hatta. Along the way, you can find Sundanese restaurants such as Laksana, Sari Sunda, and Ampera.
For lovers of overseas cuisine, you need not be discouraged. Several restaurants in Bandung provide a variety of international cuisine. Japanese restaurants can be found on Jalan Cihampelas or Setiabudhi. Thai cuisine at Jalan Ciumbuleuit or Jln Braga. Korean cuisine at Sukajadi and Chinese cuisine at Jalan Jendral Sudirman or Jalan Ahmad Yani.
Other typical food that is not less delicious can be found on Jalan Burangrang. Here, you can momentarily break to enjoy batagor, baso tahu, and unfortunate baso. If you want to bring home a souvenir of pastries. You can stop by the pastry shops on Jalan Ir. H. Juanda who sells steamed brownies, bolen bananas, and various other cakes.
To the north of Bandung there is Mount Tangkuban Perahu. The journey to this place ditemuh as far as 20km from the city of Bandung. This mountain is overgrown with pine trees and a stretch of tea gardens around it. Mount Tangkuban Perahu has several craters that can be visited if the mountain situation is possible.
If you want to enjoy the beauty of nature, you can go to Ciwidey area. Ciwidey is a mountainous area located in the southern city of Bandung. In addition to the beautiful scenery of tea garden stretch, you can also pick strawberries and hot baths. In addition, some attractions in Ciwidey also offers outbound facilities. Tourist attractions that can be visited also in Ciwidey is Kawah Putih and Situ Patenggang which has a very enthralling scenery.
To the north of Bandung there is Mount Tangkuban Perahu. The journey to this place is reached as far as 20km from the city of Bandung. This mountain is overgrown with pine trees and a stretch of tea gardens around it. Mount Tangkuban Perahu has several craters that can be visited if the mountain situation is possible.
If you love to hunt clothes, there are several choices of places in Bandung that can be visited. Export-quality clothing at affordable prices can be found at factory outlets around Jalan Riau (R.E Martadinata), Jalan Dago (Ir H. Juanda), and Jalan Setiabudhi. You can also visit New Market or ITC to find clothes with cheap price.
Interested in used clothes but with good quality? You can visit the Gedebage market. If you are on vacation in Bandung on Sunday, you can take the time to go to Gasibu Field. While walking the morning, you can shop various needs there.
Museum Asia Afrika is a museum located on Jl. Asia Africa. This museum has captured the events of the Asian-African Conference in 1955 complete with a collection of photographs of the event. This museum has a beautiful building architecture so no wonder many people are taking pictures in this place.
Your holiday to Bandung is not complete if you do not see Gedung Sate. The building located at Jalan Diponegoro No. 22 is a landmark of the city of Bandung which has a characteristic in the form of a skewer ornament on the main tower. This characteristic is also found in other important buildings such as those located at the train station.
Other historic buildings located in the city of Bandung, namely Gedung Merdeka on Jalan Asia Afrika, Landmark Building on Jalan Braga, Homann Hotel on Jalan Asia Afrika, and Villa Isola on Jalan Setiabudhi which belongs to the University of Education Indonesia (UPI) complex.
Art gallery in the city of Bandung you can also visit to see the various works of art from Bandung artists. You can visit Gallery Barly on Jalan Ir. Soetami, Rumentang Day Building on Jalan Baranang Siang no. 1, Paris van Java Gallery on Jalan Braga 48V, and Griya Seni Oto Iskandar Dinata on Jalan Setiabudhi 268.
Well, that's some tourist destinations in the city of Bandung. You can easily find it by looking at a tourist map of Bandung. Hopefully this information helps you in exploring the city of Bandung. Have a good vacation!
Bandung Tourism Map Presents Reference Places in Bandung
Every weekend, Bandung is always flooded with tourists, both domestic and foreign. Bandung is famous as a paradise for food and shopping lovers. Various types of food are available for tasting for you lovers of culinary tourism. Not to miss the row of Factory Outlet ready to be your choice in shopping. For those who love nature tourism, Bandung has many fun places to visit, ranging from mountains, craters, situ, tea plantations, strawberry gardens, to outbound.Various places can be visited if you memorized the route to the place. With a tourist map, hopefully you will not get lost in this city. Although there is already a tourist map, but you are still dazed and difficult to reach the destination, do not hesitate to ask people who met on the street. This is the last way to avoid getting lost. The people of Bandung are notoriously friendly. They will gladly show you the way you mean.
Location Culinary Tour Bandung
Various foods can be enjoyed with friends or family when visiting Bandung, ranging from traditional food to overseas food is ready to spoil your tongue. Sundanese restaurant in Bandung is famous for its delicious.Sundanese tart specials equipped with sambel hejo or impromptu sauce has its own taste that will make you addicted. If you want to eat this dish, you can immediately slide to Jalan Soekarno Hatta. Along the way, you can find Sundanese restaurants such as Laksana, Sari Sunda, and Ampera.
For lovers of overseas cuisine, you need not be discouraged. Several restaurants in Bandung provide a variety of international cuisine. Japanese restaurants can be found on Jalan Cihampelas or Setiabudhi. Thai cuisine at Jalan Ciumbuleuit or Jln Braga. Korean cuisine at Sukajadi and Chinese cuisine at Jalan Jendral Sudirman or Jalan Ahmad Yani.
Other typical food that is not less delicious can be found on Jalan Burangrang. Here, you can momentarily break to enjoy batagor, baso tahu, and unfortunate baso. If you want to bring home a souvenir of pastries. You can stop by the pastry shops on Jalan Ir. H. Juanda who sells steamed brownies, bolen bananas, and various other cakes.
Location Nature Tourism Bandung
If you want to enjoy the beauty of nature, you can go to Ciwidey area. Ciwidey is a mountainous area located in the southern city of Bandung. In addition to the beautiful scenery of tea garden stretch, you can also pick strawberries and hot baths. In addition, some attractions in Ciwidey also offers outbound facilities. Tourist attractions that can be visited also in Ciwidey is Kawah Putih and Situ Patenggang which has a very enthralling scenery.To the north of Bandung there is Mount Tangkuban Perahu. The journey to this place ditemuh as far as 20km from the city of Bandung. This mountain is overgrown with pine trees and a stretch of tea gardens around it. Mount Tangkuban Perahu has several craters that can be visited if the mountain situation is possible.
If you want to enjoy the beauty of nature, you can go to Ciwidey area. Ciwidey is a mountainous area located in the southern city of Bandung. In addition to the beautiful scenery of tea garden stretch, you can also pick strawberries and hot baths. In addition, some attractions in Ciwidey also offers outbound facilities. Tourist attractions that can be visited also in Ciwidey is Kawah Putih and Situ Patenggang which has a very enthralling scenery.
To the north of Bandung there is Mount Tangkuban Perahu. The journey to this place is reached as far as 20km from the city of Bandung. This mountain is overgrown with pine trees and a stretch of tea gardens around it. Mount Tangkuban Perahu has several craters that can be visited if the mountain situation is possible.
Location Tour Bandung Shopping
Almost along the main street of Bandung City you can find a shopping center, be it a mall or factory outlet. If you want to shop for jeans and T-shirts, Cihampelas Street is the right choice. Provided clever bargain, you can get quality goods at a reasonable price. For lovers of leather shoes, you can try to visit the region Cibaduyut. If the shoes you want are not available, in Cibaduyut you can order them.If you love to hunt clothes, there are several choices of places in Bandung that can be visited. Export-quality clothing at affordable prices can be found at factory outlets around Jalan Riau (R.E Martadinata), Jalan Dago (Ir H. Juanda), and Jalan Setiabudhi. You can also visit New Market or ITC to find clothes with cheap price.
Interested in used clothes but with good quality? You can visit the Gedebage market. If you are on vacation in Bandung on Sunday, you can take the time to go to Gasibu Field. While walking the morning, you can shop various needs there.
Location Tour History of Bandung Culture
Bandung city has a myriad of history and culture that can be traced. A number of museums can be visited to witness the historical journey that took place in this city. Some museums located in the city of Bandung, the Museum of Asia Africa, Museum of Geology, Postal Museum, and Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum.Museum Asia Afrika is a museum located on Jl. Asia Africa. This museum has captured the events of the Asian-African Conference in 1955 complete with a collection of photographs of the event. This museum has a beautiful building architecture so no wonder many people are taking pictures in this place.
Your holiday to Bandung is not complete if you do not see Gedung Sate. The building located at Jalan Diponegoro No. 22 is a landmark of the city of Bandung which has a characteristic in the form of a skewer ornament on the main tower. This characteristic is also found in other important buildings such as those located at the train station.
Other historic buildings located in the city of Bandung, namely Gedung Merdeka on Jalan Asia Afrika, Landmark Building on Jalan Braga, Homann Hotel on Jalan Asia Afrika, and Villa Isola on Jalan Setiabudhi which belongs to the University of Education Indonesia (UPI) complex.
Location Cultural Tourism Bandung
If you want to know the arts of Sundanese, you can go to Jalan Padasuka. There, there is Saung Angklung Udjo. You can immediately learn to play angklung together play a song. What a very memorable experience you learn to move angklung to play a Sundanese song or even popular foreign songs.Art gallery in the city of Bandung you can also visit to see the various works of art from Bandung artists. You can visit Gallery Barly on Jalan Ir. Soetami, Rumentang Day Building on Jalan Baranang Siang no. 1, Paris van Java Gallery on Jalan Braga 48V, and Griya Seni Oto Iskandar Dinata on Jalan Setiabudhi 268.
Well, that's some tourist destinations in the city of Bandung. You can easily find it by looking at a tourist map of Bandung. Hopefully this information helps you in exploring the city of Bandung. Have a good vacation!