There is an anecdote, why culinary bandung famous? Of course famous, because the city hall was just called 'sate building'. Short joke chants are often heard on television shows and casual chats in the coffee shops. Of course we are curious, what culinary in Parisj van Java it. We can find batagor, brownies Amanda, surabi, peuyeum, cendol, oncom, colenak, cireng, karedok, and ambokueh.
We can also try lotek, bandrek, bajigur, ketan bakar, bandros, bala-bala, buskud, gehu, de risol, comro, misro, cimol, cilok, gorolong lamot, surandil, candil, endog-endogan, galendo and ice goyobod. Traditional food already known to many people and populist, ie peuyem, oncom, comro, gehu, and batagor. The basic materials used are from home industry.
Peuyem based cassava (cassava) which is given yeast. Peuyem is actually a tape variant. It's just that the growth of yeast or mold is local domestic local, so the result looks dry. If the tape itself is usually wet and soft.
Oncom-based dregs of tofu (cake) and soybeans. There are also oncom-based peanut cake and dregs of tapioca. All of these basic ingredients are waste.
The basic ingredients are given yeast to the fermentation process as well as when the process of making tempe. The process of breeding this mold until it forms a spore so that it is red-orange or black. Oncom this can be processed so diverse snacks such as oncom chips, oseng-oseng, even pizza.
Bandung culinary famous other populist, namely comro (oncom in jero which means there is oncom in the food). These snacks are sold by fried traders along the roadside. The base material consists of cassava and oncom. Cassava is shredded and shaped into a round egg. The middle section was given an oncom which was crushed and seasoned.
The sponge that has been filled oncom is fried. Be comro. Spice flavor according to taste like salty, savory, salty-sweet, and spicy. In general, people like comro that taste salty-spicy.
Gehu is know who is stuffed with sprouts. Delicious fried snacks are eaten when warm or hot. This snack is familiar to eat while entertaining guests. Mixed bean sprouts, wheat flour, carrot slices, and sliced leaves of mustard greens seasoned with salt and garlic. Mixed bean sprouts are put into the tofu.
After that, the tofu is dipped in a thin flour and instantly fried. It tastes savory, kres-kres when biting bean sprouts and carrot slices. Delicious snacks are eaten while relaxing watching TV or lounging in the city park.
Batagor stands for fried tofu meatballs. At a glance, this food is like Chinese food. There is little truth, because this snack is adapted from Chinese-Indonesian food. This food is easy to spread throughout Indonesia. The basic ingredients of batagor from tofu. While the dough for stuffing tofu from tapioca flour mixed with mackerel fish.
Know that already contains the dough and then fried. Seasoning is made from peanuts like pecel spice. When we eat batagor, add a little soy sauce and lime juice for more delicious.
Other famous Bandung cuisine in the form of drinks or porridge, such as cendol, bajigur, bandrek, candil, and ice goyobod. This traditional drink is easy to find along the city's flower road. The price is relatively cheap so easily affordable by the public. Ancestral heritage beverages that still survive the candil, bajigur, and cendol without ice. This drink is delicious eaten when it's cold or warm.
Candil made from sticky rice, Java sugar, and coconut milk. The glutinous dough is made as round as the marbles or the ping pong ball. The sticky rice is boiled. To give a sweet and savory taste sprinkled with dilute Javanese sugar and coconut milk cooked.
This delicious snack eaten in the morning or evening. If you like ice, you can add ice shavings or ice. It feels fresher.
Cendol made from rice flour or starch. Cendol color is usually green from suji leaves. The cendol dish contains a soft starch of kanji from rice flour mixed with dilute Javanese sugar, coconut milk, and water.
Cendol heritage does not use ice. Cendol delicious eaten on a hot afternoon. Today, many people eat cendol by adding ice.
Bajigur is a hot drink. Usually, this drink is eaten in the afternoon or evening. Basic ingredients of Java sugar or palm sugar and coconut milk.
To get another flavor, add ginger or salt. This warm drink is delicious eaten with other foods such as various fried foods, boiled cassava, and others.
Bandrek usually presented warm. This drink is very good to warm the body. Basic ingredients, among others, ginger, java sugar or palm sugar.
We can add spices to strengthen the aroma and properties. Spices that can be added include lemongrass, pepper, and pandan leaves. For herbal purposes, can be added chicken eggs, honey, or milk.
Es Goyobod
Bandung cuisine is famous for the continuous beverage group, the ice goyobod. Beverages consisting of palm sugar flour, chinese girlfriend, avocado, and young coconut.
To be tasty, the drink is watered with coconut milk and syrup. The addition of ice shavings adds a sense of freshness. This drink is constantly undergoing development so that the addition of other ingredients is fine. For example, added tape, milk, chocolate, honey, etc.
Traditional foods and drinks will always be a place in the hearts of people. The onslaught of modern food that is instantaneous in the market, proved to cause many health problems.
Ancestral food and beverage proved to be healthier. The ingredients to make it are also easy to get around us. No imports like wheat flour.

We can also try lotek, bandrek, bajigur, ketan bakar, bandros, bala-bala, buskud, gehu, de risol, comro, misro, cimol, cilok, gorolong lamot, surandil, candil, endog-endogan, galendo and ice goyobod. Traditional food already known to many people and populist, ie peuyem, oncom, comro, gehu, and batagor. The basic materials used are from home industry.
Famous Food Bandung
PeuyemPeuyem based cassava (cassava) which is given yeast. Peuyem is actually a tape variant. It's just that the growth of yeast or mold is local domestic local, so the result looks dry. If the tape itself is usually wet and soft.
Oncom-based dregs of tofu (cake) and soybeans. There are also oncom-based peanut cake and dregs of tapioca. All of these basic ingredients are waste.
The basic ingredients are given yeast to the fermentation process as well as when the process of making tempe. The process of breeding this mold until it forms a spore so that it is red-orange or black. Oncom this can be processed so diverse snacks such as oncom chips, oseng-oseng, even pizza.
Bandung culinary famous other populist, namely comro (oncom in jero which means there is oncom in the food). These snacks are sold by fried traders along the roadside. The base material consists of cassava and oncom. Cassava is shredded and shaped into a round egg. The middle section was given an oncom which was crushed and seasoned.
The sponge that has been filled oncom is fried. Be comro. Spice flavor according to taste like salty, savory, salty-sweet, and spicy. In general, people like comro that taste salty-spicy.
Gehu is know who is stuffed with sprouts. Delicious fried snacks are eaten when warm or hot. This snack is familiar to eat while entertaining guests. Mixed bean sprouts, wheat flour, carrot slices, and sliced leaves of mustard greens seasoned with salt and garlic. Mixed bean sprouts are put into the tofu.
After that, the tofu is dipped in a thin flour and instantly fried. It tastes savory, kres-kres when biting bean sprouts and carrot slices. Delicious snacks are eaten while relaxing watching TV or lounging in the city park.
Batagor stands for fried tofu meatballs. At a glance, this food is like Chinese food. There is little truth, because this snack is adapted from Chinese-Indonesian food. This food is easy to spread throughout Indonesia. The basic ingredients of batagor from tofu. While the dough for stuffing tofu from tapioca flour mixed with mackerel fish.
Know that already contains the dough and then fried. Seasoning is made from peanuts like pecel spice. When we eat batagor, add a little soy sauce and lime juice for more delicious.
Famous Beverages Bandung
Other famous Bandung cuisine in the form of drinks or porridge, such as cendol, bajigur, bandrek, candil, and ice goyobod. This traditional drink is easy to find along the city's flower road. The price is relatively cheap so easily affordable by the public. Ancestral heritage beverages that still survive the candil, bajigur, and cendol without ice. This drink is delicious eaten when it's cold or warm.Candil
Candil made from sticky rice, Java sugar, and coconut milk. The glutinous dough is made as round as the marbles or the ping pong ball. The sticky rice is boiled. To give a sweet and savory taste sprinkled with dilute Javanese sugar and coconut milk cooked.
This delicious snack eaten in the morning or evening. If you like ice, you can add ice shavings or ice. It feels fresher.
Cendol made from rice flour or starch. Cendol color is usually green from suji leaves. The cendol dish contains a soft starch of kanji from rice flour mixed with dilute Javanese sugar, coconut milk, and water.
Cendol heritage does not use ice. Cendol delicious eaten on a hot afternoon. Today, many people eat cendol by adding ice.
Bajigur is a hot drink. Usually, this drink is eaten in the afternoon or evening. Basic ingredients of Java sugar or palm sugar and coconut milk.
To get another flavor, add ginger or salt. This warm drink is delicious eaten with other foods such as various fried foods, boiled cassava, and others.
Bandrek usually presented warm. This drink is very good to warm the body. Basic ingredients, among others, ginger, java sugar or palm sugar.
We can add spices to strengthen the aroma and properties. Spices that can be added include lemongrass, pepper, and pandan leaves. For herbal purposes, can be added chicken eggs, honey, or milk.
Es Goyobod
Bandung cuisine is famous for the continuous beverage group, the ice goyobod. Beverages consisting of palm sugar flour, chinese girlfriend, avocado, and young coconut.
To be tasty, the drink is watered with coconut milk and syrup. The addition of ice shavings adds a sense of freshness. This drink is constantly undergoing development so that the addition of other ingredients is fine. For example, added tape, milk, chocolate, honey, etc.
Traditional foods and drinks will always be a place in the hearts of people. The onslaught of modern food that is instantaneous in the market, proved to cause many health problems.
Ancestral food and beverage proved to be healthier. The ingredients to make it are also easy to get around us. No imports like wheat flour.